Tag: gunge
These are two unrelated posts, but each was too short to stand on it’s own. First off, thanks to Guys in Trouble, we have some caps of Robin (and Batman too, but I’m more of a Robin guy) being “roasted”.
Secondly, I ran across a few pics of a guy soaked in a Spiderman suit. I can’t recall the source now, but I do recall it was part of some sort of sprint really, and that he had just run through the slime pit. I am good at remembering those sorts of details.
I know not everyone’s into this, but these pics really got my rocks off. And I’ve sort of been in a gunge mood anyway (thanks, RestWalker). It was tough to decided if this should be posted here or at my other blog, so I just decided to do both. That way, we’re all happy.
These pics are all courtesy of TheStig… since I used the entire set, I did ask first, and he generously allowed me to post them.