Sorry for the lack of updates. I was recently out of town, and didn’t get a chance to update any posts here. I have some long work hours due to the holiday yesterday, so I hope to have posts up later in the week.
I do have someone working on the new blog who is excellent, but he does have this thing called a “real job” (imagine that) which obviously has to take priority. So once I get situated, I will continue to post here until the new site is ready.
Just thought I’d keep you updated. The new version of the blog is coming along pretty well. It looks very modern and updated! But I do still have a few bugs to sort out. Namely, it doesn’t want to show off all recent posts. It also doesn’t want to allow page jumps to past posts (such as well you scroll down to the bottom of the page, and there’ll be a link to click to earlier posts… that isn’t appearing). There are other minor glitches, but those two are kinda big ones, and I do want them sorted out before premiering it.
My goal is to have it up by Jan 5 or sooner. However, if that does not end up happening, it could be much later, as I’ll be out of town for a week not long after that.
I do appreciate your patience in the meantime. I have a lot of hot posts on the deck, so, it’ll…