Gives a new meaning to the term bodyboarding, doesn’t it?  In any case, I’d put my bare feet on these guys any day to ride the waves.  Although it may not be the waves they’re expecting, unless you count waves of cum.

Enjoy the extra big update today!

So I still don’t have a wetsuit.  But I somehow got the idea to try a couple on at a local Sports store, and snapped some pics in the dressing room.  Hope you like.

I didn’t end up buying them… the fit or the look wasn’t quite right for me.  Do you want to get me one?  😉

I have such a backlog of posts, I’m adding extras! Instead of just Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, I’ll be daily for a short while. And this started yesterday… so if you missed it, scroll down for a bonus!

You find some of the hottest stuff there, I swear.

Red rubber socks?  Never heard of them, but they sound and look super sexy!

In a wetsuit, tied to another guy in a wetsuit… very sexy!