Time to cool off with a nice shower.  Getting nice and wet.  Uhrrrrrmmmmmaaaahhh.

Getting naughty…

Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

The pics kinda speak for themselves… 


What could be hotter?  How about wearing this underwear in the shower?  Yup, comin’ up next week!

You know, kinksters need to come out twice… once as gay, and once as a kinky.

One is not necessarily easier to publicly announce than the other.

It’s gay pride month, and I think we should talk about this from a kinkster point of view.

I personally realized, acknowledged, and came to terms with my passion for bondage way before I acknowledged I was gay.  Thanks to the 60’s TV show Batman (it played in reruns as I was growing up, I’m not quite that old yet, lol), I knew I loved being tied up.  I would constantly roll myself up in blankets as a kid in self-mummification, and my family owned a very long jump rope that I would tie myself to a chair with constantly.  (And I’ve noticed that jumpropes have been the gateway toy for many a budding kinkster.)  I knew somehow it was “wrong”… I would do it only when I was alone,…

So I’ve been on quite the underwear kick lately, so many of my future blog posts will be related to that.  Hope you enjoy my new purple Calvin Bold line.

Just a quick side note, I took down the TwitPic preview widget from the far right sidebar.  Not because I’m not sharing pics, but now you can upload them to Twitter directly, and when you do, they don’t show there.  So it had looked like I hadn’t upload a pic in over a month.  In fact, I had posted the following pics (and more!), in case you’ve missed them:

Shirt I saw in a store Found in a local history museum.  Wanted to try it on so badly. Ad for a mattress.  Can I get two of the barefoot and shirtless guy, please? Candid male shoes Candid male feet

So visit and follow my Twitter for the latest!

Also, voting has been reset yet again… so I’d appreciate it if you can vote for me at Best Male Blogs.

Finally, don’t forget to visit my Read more