My first wetsuit!  And what a lucky find… it was in a thrift store for only $11.  It’s not in the best of condition (you can see the wrinkles on the front… but that’s basically it, there are no tears or rips), but who’s going to complain at that price?

More pics to cum later… featuring my feet, as well as me getting wet with it in the shower!  But you may have to wait until next year to see that set…

I guess if I’ve got a gear blog, I really need to highlight jocks once in a while, don’t I?  Two parts to this set.  First, just me in the jock, au natural…

Secondly.. you have to look carefully here.  There’s now an extra “gift” under the package, so to speak…

If you’re not sure, perhaps, this link can help.

So these pics came about because of a blog reader who contacted me and told me about a St. Andrew’s Cross he had made, and if I had any interest using it.  After discussing with my BF, he actually agreed, and we did ourselves an informal photo shoot.  It was a lot of fun!  This was my first time being inverted, so that was pretty awesome!

I have to thank blog reader BamBamTop, who was extremely generous in letting us use his “playroom”.  There’s going to be 100+ original content pics from this by the time all the posts have gone up.  Three sets will be Robin gear, and two will be Spiderman, which I’ll be alternating for the next few weeks.  This’ll take us into the next year.  Won’t that be a nice way to begin 2012?  In any case, enjoy!

Read more TFG Robin Dungeon, Part 1 of 3