So you already know I got my first wetsuit.  Well, my BF also got himself a set of belts from Mr. S.  He decided to try them out on me, in my first time getting tied in a wetsuit!  I know a certain boy in Atlanta who will enjoy this a great deal, I’m sure.  😉

Part 1 begins with me bound and on my knees.  A place I won’t argue, that’s for sure.

Part 2 will have me belted upright, and with a gasmask on.  I know you’ll look forward to that, right?

Okay, so I like Superheroes.  And feet.  What’s the ultimate way for a guy like me to combine those two things?  Answer below.

Hey, it could be worse.  I discovered these on Amazon, after trying to look up these, which I saw in a local store: I didn’t get them, although I still sort of think about it.  Hey, come on, they have attached capes!  How can I not love that?  Should I still buy them?

I just realized this blog turns 2 today!  Thanks to all who follow and visit.  

I’d love it if you can show your appreciation by voting at Best Male Blogs again.  The counts have been reset, so we gotta start all over again.  I know you can do it!  You don’t have to register, and it’s very quick.  Thanks in advance.

Because it’s one of my favorite positions.  Not that any of you would complain, right?

As promised, more pics.  Yes, there is a lot of my feet.  Hopefully you can enjoy that too.  But if not, there’s pics of me getting wet in the shower.  Just keep scrolling down.

I don’t know… I just think feet look sexy in a wetsuit.  😉

For you who aren’t into that, he’s me getting wet for the first time in a wetsuit.

Now, hopefully I’ll get tied up in it one day!  Wouldn’t you like to see…

The last of the installments! Hope you enjoy them all! Again, a big thanks to BamBamTop for allowing use to use his space. Who knows, we may head back there again one day. Maybe I’ll bring a friend. Anyone interested?   😉

Hope you enjoyed this post!  Thanks again to BamBamTop for letting us use his facility and equipment.  Maybe we’ll stop by again sometime!

Starting to update my collection a bit.  Hope you enjoy.  First, we start with trunks from 2xist.

Secondly, Evolve.  This is the brand from Target… but I actually find them pretty sexy.  And I’m very unusual in that I love sports briefs:  jock strap in the front, brief in the back.  It’s not an easy mix to find, but it’s my personal favorite.