A bit of a break continues from me for the moment, as I gather up more lycra/gear pics of myself. 

To be honest, I found these pics on  his Flickr account, but I did ask permission to post them first.  He’s actually more of a true comic nerd than a kink fan (at least, as far as I know), but he certainly looks cute in hero gear, as does many of his friends.  He’s wearing the Robin gear last few pics.  Hope you enjoy!

Aside from this one pic I found on a tumblr, there’s virtually no underwear with Robin on it.  Such a shame.  Someone needs to rectify this immediately.

Here he is again, in all his hero gear. Love it! I want to tie him down pretty bad, don’t you?

Now, you may have noticed a bit of writing peeking through his lycra… here he (and it) is in all his slutty glory…

More of his sexy booted & bound feet!  More original pics sent just for me.  Love his bondage work!

And a couple more, for variety’s sake.  Shoes and some barefeet in lycra.  Yum.

Aznboi88 has been a fan of the blog for a long time, and said I could use any of his pics.  Hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

Courtesy of UKboundboy.  Some are from his GearFetish profile, and many are original pics sent just for me!  We’ll be seeing more of these boots tied up later on.  And some other bonus “footage” of his.  All posted with his permission, thanks for sending them my way!