As you may recall, we had our little lycra pup properly trained.  Then Spiderman appeared on the scene.  Unfortunately for him, he seemed to have become ensnared in some of his own webbing…

And let’s just say that Spidey did end up shooting some of his own webbing.  But I suppose that what happens when yer dick stays hard for nearly three hours straight.

Hope you enjoyed!  And next week there’ll be a few non-lycra pics of this twink in bondage, and of his feet, at my other blog,

He really can get around, can’t he?  At least, it’s fun to think about it.  And I know some of these are Superboy… but let’s not nitpick.

Why have one, when you can have many?  And anyone know where can I get that Robin singlet in the last pic?

Sometimes a great hero stands alone.  I do love the sentiment behind that first pic.

Back to posting! For as long as I can.  Since I’m hoping for the new blog to open soonish, I’m only going to be posting on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

So… the update is that while I was out of town last week, not much got done on my new blog. But I am hoping to make some progress this week.

I’m make a few more posts for this week, and update you again next. Okay? In the meantime, some heroes in layered gear.

Well, the bugs in my new blog are still not yet fixed, and I’m going out of town all this week.  So let’s put up a few more posts here while I’m gone to tide you over, shall we?

Sometimes I think JJJ may be right… Spiderman can be a menace.  Perhaps he’s had Venom’s influence one too many times…

Hope you enjoy!  This’ll be my last post for a bit, while I work on the new blog.  With some luck, the next time I post, it will be on the new, updated blog.  Sadly, that will require a slight change in the website address, so please keep checking in here to get the new address and update your bookmarks.

The new blog has the opportunity to host several different backgrounds, and ideally they’d be sized 1900px X 1300px.  If they are not that size, they will be automatically resized, but the quality may go down a bit.  At the moment, the background pics I’m working on are exactly that, so while they are very cool, they are a bit blurry.  Send them to me at

I hope to be up before the new year, if not sooner.  In the meantime, enjoy the holidays!