I should be enough of a fan to know the real name of this version of the costume, but I don’t. I’m sure some of you can help me out. Not my favorite costume, but still hot nevertheless.

I don’t post that much with them together, so here’s some slash fantasy material for you.

No cape this time… probably in my mouth as a gag or something.  😉

So I did get some nice feedback that many of you are enjoying my original pics. But sadly, I am starting to run out of them. Only so many hours in the day, you know, and sometimes sex with my BF doesn’t always involve lycra! So next week may be my final set of original content until I get more up and running. Stay tuned!

Spidy84 has been a busy guy… he sent me some comic bondage art.  Had to post these!  I believe this first one may be the basis for the shirt I have!

I do love this net. It’s actually a cargo net meant for pick up trucks, but it works for bondage just great. I’ve written about it before on my Baring My Sole blog, but if you google Spidy Gear (no “e” in Spidy here), it’ll come up.