Second part of an article about where to find accessories to Superhero costumes. This is via Superhero DEFILERS. Enjoy!
Category: news
Just saw a fantastic post from Superhero DEFILERS regarding the various places you can go to find costumes. I knew about many of these, but a few were even new to me! Please enjoy Part 1 of their post here:
UPDATE: Apparently, the suit listed below was already sold. However, in the comments below, there’s a link to another one. Take a look and snap it up! BTW, I hope whoever bought it contacts me and sends me some pics of them wearing it, and hopefully bound in it.
Hey, I got a great tip from a reader about a very sexy eBay auction for a Green Lantern latex bodysuit. I just got a regular latex bodysuit myself (pics to cum later), so I don’t know if I can really justify buying another one so soon. But I hope someone here does, and then sends in some pics of themselves tied up in it!
I feel I should promote this, it’s a local lycra event in my area. Although those of you who have been following me before, I attended Hard Heroes 6, and I was personally disappointed by the lack of people who were actually in lycra. But it anyone emails or comments me about going, I may try to show up. Let me know…
Never really thought of a lycra bodysuit that also includes room for your hard dick! Could be interesting to be forced to cum like that… I imagine the cum would just squirt through. I’d like to find out for myself one day! Anyone else have pics like this? I’d love to see them!
And on a side note, I’m currently working on a new design and look to the blog. I like this one, but it’s a bit tough to work with. So expect a few changes in the next few days, as well as some features and links possibly being moved around, changed, temporarily disappear, etc., while I work it all out. Thanks in advance for your patience!
Note from TiedFeetGuy: One of our frequent contributors has asked me to pass along an event his is helping to host, and I’m more than happy to do so. Here’s the info he sent me.
Hello you all… it has been a while since we got the last party in Berlin started.. Now it’s time for the next.
Please RSVP to the Facebook event if you can, and share it
That’s on Whitsunday btw, with a bank holiday on Monday Very nice location: an SM club offering (amongst several playrooms and showers
a really big bar and lounge area to sit and socialise and watch tight lads go by. Oh and and ladies too this time, we dare to try the first mixed event of this kind (however we’ll have a “guys only” area for those who are scared off by Superheroines :P)
This is the venue: (all german,…
So I was randomly checking the stats for this blog, and I noticed I got a lot more views than usual on Friday. Curious, I looked into it, and discovered this:
Now, this blog has been in the top 12 before (in fact, both of my blogs have), but now I’m in the 100+ votes category, where the competition is much more intense! I mean, look at #1, GayDemon–that’s pretty big. So thanks to all who voted me here! I’m not sure it’ll last (although I hope it will, and continue to climb), but as they say, “just being nominated is an honor”.
In any case, welcome all new visitors! There will be a sexy post later on today.
Just a couple of quick reminders… you can follow my twitter account for some additional fetish news, images, and thoughts, as well as get the latest info if this blog ever gets shut down by Google (as happens to many other blogs unexpectedly.) It’s at
Secondly, I’m thinking of doing a layour redesign in a couple of months or so. I’ve got a couple of hot and fun new images that I think would make for a great layout. Now I just gotta find the time to do it–right now is the busy season at my work.
Just noticed this blog is in the Top 12 rated blogs with 50-100 votes! Very cool, my last blog actually once got voted #1 in that category. I’d love to be back there again with this blog, so go vote for me if you like what you see here!
Gotta share the pic first made aware to me of the new Spidey Andrew Garfield via What’s Hot to Me blog (although it’s also on the Just A Dream message board). Very nice!
On a slightly darker, disturbing, but still somehow sexy note, the cover of The New Yorker comments about all the injuring plaguing the new Spiderman musical.
While Spidey in a neck vice is not necessarily sexy to me, seeing an entire roomful of them is. I can’t help myself.