Just letting you all know I made a special appearance under a new page called “Superhero Community” on Paublo Greene’s How to Kill a Superhero website. I discuss how my superhero fetish began. If you want to read it, visit here! You can also submit to him your own stories–you can find out more at the bottom of the post at the link.
Category: news
Scroll down for the usual posts, but I wanted to “sticky” something for the week, because I want to make sure you all saw this. I got a very cool offer from Pablo Green, author of bondage and lycra kinky book How to Kill a Superhero. He’s willing to answer your questions about any topic you may have, and it sounds like it could be a lot of fun. In his own words:
Hey Captured Heroes readers!
Sometime in 2010 I stumbled upon this blog, and since then I was hooked on its tasty images of bondage, superheroes and other tight fetishes. This is truly one of the best spots to explore what is possible when it comes to superheroes in distress. Since then, I have gotten to know TFG a little bit better, thanks to the boost he gave my novel “How to Kill a Superhero: A Gay Bondage…
A reader alerted me to a new line of Superhero underwear from Aussiebum. The heroes are generic ones of their own creation, so don’t expect to recognize any one hero in particular. But it is pretty clear who they’re trying to emulate.
See for yourself here!
Sorry for the lack of updates. I was recently out of town, and didn’t get a chance to update any posts here. I have some long work hours due to the holiday yesterday, so I hope to have posts up later in the week.
I do have someone working on the new blog who is excellent, but he does have this thing called a “real job” (imagine that) which obviously has to take priority. So once I get situated, I will continue to post here until the new site is ready.
Just thought I’d keep you updated. The new version of the blog is coming along pretty well. It looks very modern and updated! But I do still have a few bugs to sort out. Namely, it doesn’t want to show off all recent posts. It also doesn’t want to allow page jumps to past posts (such as well you scroll down to the bottom of the page, and there’ll be a link to click to earlier posts… that isn’t appearing). There are other minor glitches, but those two are kinda big ones, and I do want them sorted out before premiering it.
My goal is to have it up by Jan 5 or sooner. However, if that does not end up happening, it could be much later, as I’ll be out of town for a week not long after that.
I do appreciate your patience in the meantime. I have a lot of hot posts on the deck, so, it’ll…
Well, my insanely busy time is over, but I was more lazy during my break than I planned to be. So I didn’t get very much work on the new blog. Fortunately, I had a number of reader contributions come in, so I’ll be posting those, along with the last few blog posts I had planned for here before again working on my new, updated blog in late December.
In case any of you can help, one of the new blog formats I’m interested in using definitely features large background images. And it could even let you choose between a few different background options. So if any of you have a great image of either Robin, Spiderman, or anything else of interest to this blog, please share it with me! It can be either artwork or a clear, high quality pic. Optimal size would be 1900px by 1300px. Other sizes are welcome, but they may end up distorted, cropped,…
So just wanted to let you all know that I may be taking a short break. I’ll try to post as much as I can, but if I miss a few days, or even a week or more, don’t panic. I will return.
The break is partially because I’m very busy in my personal and work life, and partially because I want to take some time to work on a new, updated and self-hosted version of this blog (like I did with Baring My Sole) to give me greater flexibility and freedom for future posts.
I have the most time to work on it towards the end of November, so that’s when I’m expecting to do most of the break. But if I stop sooner, just wanted to give you all a heads up. And not to panic… I would be returning! I do have an insanely hot two part post of a lycra twink I got to tie…
So if you haven’t heard already, there’s a book that is practically written with readers for this blog in mind. It’s about a guy who enters a BDSM relationship with a guy who has a Superhero Fetish. What more can you ask for?
The author, Pablo Greene, has been kind enough to send the first chapter of the book for your sampling, which you can view below. He does assure me that there’s a lot more kink to come, but even the sample gets steamy towards the end–and this in only the first chapter, mind you.
It releases on October 8, which is soon! Find out more here, and you can also sign up to be on the mailing list. You can also contact the author directly at his twitter, @PabloGreene. It will be available on Amazon and Kindle.
(Note: some of the formatting may have gotten off when I cut and…
For those of you interested, Los Angeles is holding their annual Hard Heroes party this upcoming Sunday, August 4. If you follow my twitter, you already know this.
So to be perfectly honest, I have not gotten that far into a new, self-hosted blog. I got a host, and was nearly immediately confused. FTP? php? MySLQ? My God. This was part of the reason I stopped doing a website in the first place.
Then I sort of realized that I was probably making it a lot harder than I thought, as nowadays, they make it much easier to do a wordpress blog, due to quick installs, etc. Unfortunately, by the time I realized that, I’m about to head out of town for a work trip for about the next 6 days. So I’m not really going to get to work on it at all in the near future. So in the meantime, I will continue posting here, but with an erratic schedule starting this upcoming week. I also made one semi-big mistake concerning this blog specifically, Captured Heroes. It turns out that the domain name captureheroes.com is already…