My other blog has unintentionally run into some copyright issues, so out of an abundance of caution, I’ve removed most of the celebrity content. Images that were obvious manipulations, or caps, are still here. But pics that may have been from media sources have been removed. Thanks for understanding.
Category: news
Sorry for the pause! The blog was having some technical issues behind the scenes. I wasn’t able get to my posts to publish them. Seems to be working now, and with some luck, posts will resume on Monday!
If this happens again, please visit (or even better, follow!) my twitter account at TiedFeetGuy for updates. And thanks to TallGlassofOJ for his offers of technical assistance during his busy schedule.
In case you missed my tweet, this site is now secure with SSL. For those of you not as technology inclined, like myself, here’s a brief explanation from
SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and, in short, it’s the standard technology for keeping an internet connection secure and safeguarding any sensitive data that is being sent between two systems, preventing criminals from reading and modifying any information transferred, including potential personal details
So if you now visit my blog, you should see a small “locked” symbol in the address bar… appropriate for a gay kinky blog.
Especially with adult content, it can’t hurt. Now, this may mean some pics, vids, or pages may be buggy, so if they are, let me know and I’ll see what I can do. But so far, it all seems to be fine as far as I can tell.
Check out the relaunch of my main blog,! All new look and navigation, and spam issues have been resolved.
Find feet, bondage, twinks, and more! Updated daily, with free & original content of my personal bondage work every Saturday.
So I posted a few tweets about a fairly well-known internet celebrity that I got to meet.
So these are the dirty, worn Superman socks of the celebrity guest I met tonight. Any guesses? He was a hot guy!
— Baring My Sole (@TiedFeetGuy) July 24, 2016
A few of your figured it out. And yes, I got to meet, tie up, and see the feet of the GayComicGeek!
If you don’t know him, I’ve included some pics below (not mine, just from his site) so you can see what you’ve been missing out on. A true comic geek based in Miami, he’s been looking to experience a bit more bondage. And while he doesn’t have a foot fetish of his own, he’s acknowledged that many of his fans (like me!) have been wanting to see his feet. I did, and it was awesome.
He was in San…
A reader just alerted me to the fact that my pics weren’t linking to show a larger version. They should be from here on out. I just realized a default setting had accidentally been switched without me realized.
Sadly, this dates back to February. If there is a post where you really wanted to see the larger version of the pics, let me know, and I can change the settings for that post’s pics. Unfortunately, I have to do every pic individually, so I don’t plan on doing this for all my posts since February. But I don’t mind doing it for a few, so just let me know which post you’re interested in.
On a better note, my email seems to be fine again (as far as I can tell), and thanks to many leads readers sent me, I am finding more content. I still ask for your patience in fewer or repeated…
For all my European readers, I wanted to let you know that there will be a Superhero Party in Antwerp, Belgium on Sunday, February 21! It’s organized by my friend who hosts the site SuperheroFetish, which recently updated their look. All pics in this post are from him. Enjoy! We’ll be back to TheSideKink next week.
I’m not on the lycra party radar as much as I should be, but I have just recently found out that Hard Heroes will be having their annual get together.
I’ve actually been before, and to be honest, there’s not as much lycra there as there should be. There’s a lot more of half-naked men in superhero make up on their bodies. Not that that’s necessarily bad either, but I’m not entirely convinced it’s my scene.
Although for me, the location is new being at the Eagle LA, a venue which I have (surprisingly, since it’s sort of a leather bar) never been to before. Not sure if I’ll be going this year, but feel I should let you all know.
I have read the first book, and I thought I’d share my personal thoughts about it.
I have to say, the book wasn’t quite what I expected it to be. I don’t mean that in a bad way at all. I’m not sure if you’ve read it, but one of my favorite books is the young adult book Hero by Perry Moore. For some reason, I sort of had it in my head this would be an adult version of that, with kink and maybe a bit of the 60s Batman series thrown in. Turns out, it’s quite a bit more kinky and solemn than I expected. Not that this is a bad thing, just different than what I expected.
The plot, in broad terms so I can try to remain spoiler free, concerns a nurse named Roland. He gets mugged early on, but shortly thereafter meets Rick, who confesses he has a superhero fetish. …
In case you missed it, Pablo Greene has released the second part of his How to Kill a Superhero trilogy. Find out more about how to get it here.
Do you want to read the first chapter as a sample? Download it here: WWD Chapter 1
And if you didn’t hear, he’s looking for guest bloggers to write about how they got into superhero kink. In his own words:
We are looking for guest bloggers who would like to share with us their own story about how they came upon their superhero fetish. Do you have your own superhero fetish story you want to tell? Maybe it’s how you discovered you had it, or maybe it’s about how you told your partner about it. Sky’s the limit.
We will be posting these stories to We are doing this to give superhero fetish some nice visibility and acceptance. If you’d like to write up a…