That Boy Wonder sure gets around, doesn’t he?  What a little Boi Slut.  To be tied up, used and abused.  That little twink tramp can even tempt the occasional good guy.  More like the Whore Wonder.


What better way to celebrate the 4th of July?  Being a patriot!  Or tying one down.  Anything to service one’s country!

And in honor of our American spirit, I’m pleased to announce that there will be exclusive Saturday posts for the rest of the month, and maybe a bit beyond.  So enjoy, and visit often!

Just gaggles of superheroes.  Some real, some imagined, some posing, and some orgy.

I definitely have an affinity for Spiderman and Robin, but here’s a few other heroes that don’t typically get as much fetish time.

Seems the webslinger makes all kinds of company… not all of it friendly…

As far as I know, these heroes are made up–or at the very least, lesser known.  But they still are hot, so who cares?

Although Gay Comic Geek does certainly exist.  I’ve actually met him once, and I hope to one day tie him up in costume.  See him and and blog here.  The second pic is the only one I know of with him barefoot.  Ugh, so hot!

Let’s see that webshooter.  Even better if he’s tied down and tortured.