With St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow, this is the best I can do. 😉

Not sure who all these guys are, but if they’re in spandex, does it really matter?

Okay, I do know who a few of these guys are.  But I didn’t want to call it “Unknown heroes and a few I do know”, that would have been cumbersome.

I do hope we get more sexy Grant Gustin pics. And for a guy who’s power is based solely on how fast he can move his feet, I can’t believe we’ve basically never seen them.

Many of these ideas would have never occurred to me, but now that I see them, they’re pretty damn hot. I do think that it’s interesting that in the case of Scooby Doo, Fred tends to be the bottom bitch.  Not much of a surprise, I suppose, with that ascot.

Warning:  there is one naked woman depicted here, but I felt it was worth it to see the also naked prince tied up.