I should be enough of a fan to know the real name of this version of the costume, but I don’t. I’m sure some of you can help me out. Not my favorite costume, but still hot nevertheless.

Don’t post tights too much, but rest assured I do find them hot.  Admittedly, not all these pics are tights in the traditional sense.  But as long as there is snug fabric around legs, let’s not be too picky, okay?

You sent up the Bat Signal, and I respond.  Some eye candy, and some bondage.

In all senses of the word. The person, and the underwear.

Bet there’s some fresh and ripe jocks in that bag.  This is a fucking hot pic. 

Some of these are fictitious heroes, some lesser known, and others are completely unknown (at least to me).  But they can all save me anytime!