I don’t know if you saw this, but yesterday, this blog hit #1 at Best Male Blogs!
And yes, that’s my other blog, Baring My Sole, at #3. Baring beat out GayDemon of December of last year, but #4 is the highest this blog ever got before. It’s kinda cool to say that both of my blogs have been voted #1 now, and when I get a chance, I’ll be updating my “Vote for me” link on my right sidebar.
Now, this sort of thing tends to change quickly–and to be honest, it already has. My Baring readers, responding to my request to vote it up over GayDemon, took it up to #1. But I’m hoping Captured Heroes readers can keep voting, too. I’d love to be both #1 and #2! Not sure if it’s going to happen… as of yesterday, Baring’s rating is 4.06, GayDemon’s is 4.04, and Captured Heroes is 4.01. Which is a somewhat large gap. But it can be done if enough of you vote, and vote big!
And a big thanks to all the fans of this blog who voted and put me up here. If I could, I’d happily use webshooters and tie you all up in gratitude.
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