I’m realizing that I have quite a bit of original content to post… so, until I run out, I’m now dedicating Saturday posts to my own original content! How’s that sound?
I’ve always wanted a Slick It Up bodysuit, and I finally broke down and bought one. I do love it a lot! So after showing it to my BF, he had to tie me up in it.
Rest assured I was duct tape gagged underneath that gas mask, and he later taped his smelly sneakers to it for me to breathe in.
My only small problem with the suit… it may be a bit too small for me. It’s a bit tight to put on, and, like a girl wearing jeans too tight, when I bent over, I heard a small ripping sound… and sure enough, I had ripped a (fortunately,very, very small) hole in the seam. I want to get another suit regardless, possibly of the neoflex, so it feels more like a wetsuit (anyone have one, and have an opinion to share–does it feel like a wetsuit?), but this time, I may go a size up. This one is the leather-look, in case you were wondering.
Unsexy dork alert: later on, I realized I had worn the suit backwards. Duh! No wonder it ripped. Well, the tear is very small and right along the seam, so I think I can patch it up myself… and wear it correctly the next time. Ugh.
I think you struggling into a too tight suit is hot as hell…but then again Im into humiliation.